Will we actually do it? .
Good news: It looks like most of us are taking this seriously and taking a look inward. I know I am. It's not comfortable. Or pretty. It shouldn't be. If you haven't started looking inward, or know you need to take it up a notch, it's not too late.
Better news: It may be easier to do than you think. All you have to do is stop and observe your mind patterns for a bit. That's it: Just stop. Take a breath. Listen, and observe.
Don't read about it. Do it! Right now. What happens when you actually stop and observe?
If you need some help or guidance, I hold free live classes* every Friday at 11:45am EST. Sign up here.
After meaningful time in still silence, we begin to see unwarranted notions, behaviors, and judgements of which we may not even be conscious. We start to see the things we'd rather ignore. And that's the stuff we must look at right now.
When you stop and observe, you begin to see more and hear more. If you're honest, you see not only good stuff (like your successes and kindnesses), but you begin to see the greeds, the hatreds, and the fears we suppress.
Can you do it?
Best news: you don't have to fix or solve or change anything! As we become conscious of things, and stay* with them, they take care of themselves. I mean, it requires determination, patience, and discipline, but it works.
We just need the determination and discipline to stop, look, and listen every day. If discipline is difficult, or you need help building or maintaining a serious practice, do reach out. If I can't help, let's find someone who can. We all need help doing this work. I know I need my teacher and community all the more right now.
The work is to observe, and then just stay with whatever you observe. As you practice getting your mind out of the way, and staying with everything you are, including the tough and unlikable parts, you'll naturally become more patient with yourself, and kinder with others.
And couldn't we all use that? More patience and kindness?
*But the bad news: looking that close, and being that honest and vulnerable, and then not running away or explaining or justifying or analyzing, is difficult. It takes serious time and discipline.
We can't know our un- and sub-conscious biases until we take a hard look at ourselves.
In whatever way you can, start with yourself, and do the great work of looking inward to see in what ways, perhaps sub- or un-consciously, you harbor unfounded biases. It just takes a moment to stop, relax, observe, and listen.
I'm working on it, too. Honored to join you in this most important work.
With gratitude,
Kirstin Broderick
Founder, NorthScale
*NOTE: These are meditation classes, as meditation is the training and discipline of self-awareness. If you missed prior classes or can't make it at that time, I'm slowly uploading past classes up to youtube. If you subscribe, you'll be notified whenever I upload a new video.